Thursday, July 8, 2021

Week 4: New Lisbon Church, Franklin First United Methodist Church, First Baptist Church Paris, First Baptist Church Medulla, First Baptist Church Tampa, and Valley View/The Word


Valley View Baptist Church was hangin’ out on G-Street this week! This group was super excited to go out and knock on all the houses, and they brought us a high of 30 kiddos! The kids loved learning about Jesus filling the fishermen's nets, Jesus healing the lame man, Jesus walking on the water, Jesus calming the storm, and about Jesus rising from the dead. In the songs station the kids had a blast singing and dancing to bible club songs each day! All week the kids made crafts to go with the Bible stories. They made a “Nets are Full” craft, a paralyzed man craft that you could turn to make him lay down and stand up, a 3D Jesus walking on the water, Jesus calms the storm wheel, and a bookmark with a picture of them and a picture of them and their favorite team member on it! In the games station the kids played some of their favorite games: sharks and minnows, blindfolded obstacle course, jump the creek, and red-light green-light! On Friday the kids took home their very own Bibles along with a box full of school supplies, hygiene items, and some other fun things! Valley View and The Word brought so much fun and love this week to Bible club Guernsey, and we couldn’t be more thankful! We can’t wait to serve with y’all again! 

- Mitch & Ailey


Hey! Ho! Rosamond had nothing but would this week! FBC Paris kicked off week 4 with tons of energy and brought a new summer record of 40 kids! This is FBC Paris’s sixth year at Bible Club Rosamond and watching their team members reconnect with kids they’ve known for years was incredible. The kids learned about the wonders of God, how He made each one of them unique and gave each us different gifts. They also talked about how to talk to God and then on the last day they learned the Lords Prayer. At crafts this week the kids made bracelets, prayer journals, kaleidoscopes, and adorable door hangers. The kids also had a blast at songs and games stations this week with dance parties, intense rounds of hot potato, kickball, and who doesn’t have fun with a parachute. Thank you FBC Paris for bringing tons of energy and love to Bible Club Rosamond this week, until next time!

- Jess, Jae, & Jon


Bible club Pope was so fun and energetic during week 4 of Street Reach. The New Lisbon team was a small but mighty and amazing team for every kid who came to club this week. We even saw some new kids a couple days of the week that got to come and enjoy Bible club while listening to new stories about Jesus. Songs station rocked it this week by teaching the kids new songs with special dance moves that they got to learn and let loose to with the team. The kids always had multiple dance parties that each age group was stoked to participate in everyday. The interactive inclusion of the kids in Bible story made the daily lessons very impactful and interesting. They even got to hold and read the daily Bible verses and put up different signs on the whiteboard to help the leaders teach for the day. Many kids were able to ask more in depth and personal questions about God and how He loves and protects us as His children. Crafts was always a fun time with loads of fun decorations with markers and stickers and pom poms. The kids learned the salvation story in crafts by making a multi color close pin worm that was both adorable and fun to learn from. The other crafts of the week helped emphasize the story of Jesus and how much He did for us as children because of His ultimate love. Games station was great with each age group with many different fun activities. We got to play ping pong relays, the cone game, duck duck goose, freeze tag, and many other awesome things! The New Lisbon team will be greatly missed by Pope. Thank you so much for an awesome week, I hope to see you guys next year!



Big thanks to McKnight Crossings Church of Christ for coming to throw down at Park Bible Club this past week! It was a fruitful time all week long! We started the week with 1 kid and had a week high of 11 on Thursday! While we were a smaller club, the sounds of songs was big and could be heard all across Bible club! The kids learned the importance of the fruits of the spirit by hearing stories about David and his journey and relationship with God. God’s kindness, joy, and peace were all points taught through the week. The kids continued learning about the fruits of the spirit over at crafts by making Jesus kaleidoscopes, goodie boxes, kindness planters, Jesus fans, and catching mits. The fun continued at games with endless rounds of Uno, kickball, and sharks and minnows.
Thank you so much McKnight for answering God's call by coming, serving, and loving the community so well.

- Beef

Que Que

You don't wanna mess with Que! You know we are here to stay!!! Thank you so much First Baptist Church of Tampa for coming all the way to Memphis to share your exuberant energy with God's amazing kids at Que Que! From rain to shine we shared the gospel with every child that came to hear and to be loved by God through your hands and feet. Though-out the week we learned the importance of God's love and provision, we learned how God sent His son to take the punishment for our sins, and we learned how He appoints us to turn around and share this amazing truth with others! Each story had a unique and colorful craft to go along with it, from Jonah and the whale cup games to coloring a map of the earth. One of my personal favorite stations this week, though, was songs. Our 10 and 11 year old boys giving it there all and dancing to some well choreographed dance moves was an absolute joy to watch. "See Heaven open up, the Spirit of our God descending like a dove on Jesus!" We cannot thank the Missionaries from Tampa enough for their willingness to answer God's call and serve. Please continue to pray for the children at club Que Que.

- Kaden and Dre


Week 4 at Whitvegas was a party for sure - thank you so much to Franklin FUMC for coming to serve with us for a week. We praise God for your sacrifice of your time & resources. We couldn’t have done this week at Whittier without y’all. Because of your sacrifice, these kids got to learn more about their Savior & feel His love in a tangible way at Bible club. Special shout-out to Bible story for the interactive skits, memory verse cards, hands-on props and everything you all did to keep the kids engaged & learning more about Jesus. They also loved running through the tunnel as they arrived at Bible story - so many priceless smiles!! Another blessing from this week is all the new Bible club kids who came for their first time! So many said they had a blast & can’t wait to come back again. What a blessing to see them draw closer to Him. Please continue to pray for understanding/receiving of the gospel, that all staff & volunteers would be grounded in Jesus & full of energy and that more and more kids would come every single day, ready & excited to learn more about Him & His love for them. Thank you Lord for another amazing week & the blessing that Franklin FUMC has been to us & the community this week. 

- Claire & Kristin

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Week 7: First Baptist Church DeSoto, First Presbyterian Church Lee's Summit, Illuminate Student Ministries, Cross Fellowship Church, Gathering Place Church, and Harvest Bible Church

Guernsey A huge shout out to Cross Fellowship from Colorado for coming to Memphis and loving on our G-Street babies all week...