Monday, July 26, 2021

Week 7: First Baptist Church DeSoto, First Presbyterian Church Lee's Summit, Illuminate Student Ministries, Cross Fellowship Church, Gathering Place Church, and Harvest Bible Church


A huge shout out to Cross Fellowship from Colorado for coming to Memphis and loving on our G-Street babies all week! We had such a fun week over at Guernsey Bible club with a high of 26 kids! This week the team taught the kids about the life of Joseph. They learned about Joseph’s coat of many colors, how his brothers were jealous and sold him into slavery, how God helped him through different trials, and how he became a ruler over Egypt and eventually forgave his brothers. In the crafts station, the kids made salvation bracelets, and on Friday they decorated and played a super fun cup game! Songs station was a hit all week long! The kids loved the Bible club songs and the church clap, and they even taught the team the dance to the Fruits of the Spirit song! The games were super fun as well! They competed in relays, played with the parachute, had potato sack races, and played lots of Mr. Bear and sharks and minnows! We can’t thank you enough for the love you showed our kiddos this week. We are looking forward to seeing you all again next summer! 
- Mitch, Ailey, & Katie P


"Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'" - Matthew 19:13-14
Praise the LORD for such an excellent week at Street Reach Pope. All thanks to His will and His wonderful missionaries from Cross Fellowship all the way in Colorado! While in town, they taught our children about the works of the LORD through Joseph: how Joseph was taken to a place far from his home, how he gave glory back to God while there, how he showed the wonders of his God to others, and how God used him to save a people. That is exactly what has taken place at Pope! The team from Cross Fellowship traveled far from their home here to Memphis in order to glorify God and share him with others. And HALLELUJAH! God saved people this week! Three children were brought to Christ by the work of the Holy Spirit, through these missionaries, just as Jesus desires. And among them, others were asking questions and having conversations with their leaders.
Rejoice for this great victory! But also, pray. Please continue to pour out your prayers for these children, for their salvation, and for their continued walk of faith. Pray for them as Jesus once did. The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. :)
- Kameron


We are thanking God for another amazing week at Whitvegas. It has been such a blessing to watch seeds be planted, watered & grown throughout this summer. One of the biggest praises of the whole summer, specifically this week, was that Ve’Shun (11) accepted Christ. In Bible story, they were discussing how we have to be perfect to be in Heaven because God cannot allow anything that is not good in Heaven. Ve’Shun was almost brought to tears at the thought of his sin and how he’s not good enough to be in Heaven. He confessed his sin to God, asked Him for forgiveness, and decided he wants to follow Jesus. It was such a beautiful thing to witness. Ve’Shun has been coming to Bible clubs almost daily for 6 years and it has truly been an honor to see God work in him with each and every Bible club. This is what Bible club is all about. The crafts, games, songs, etc are all a means to bring the gospel to these kids and their families. Thank you FBC Desoto for giving these kids such an awesome week of Bible club. They loved the mission impossible theme so much!! From the juice box walkie talkies, briefcase, Polaroid passport, binoculars & gospel air plain in crafts, to climbing through the “lasers”(yarn) to rescue the stuffed animal at Bible story, to dance parties at songs, to rock-paper-scissors hula hoop relays at games - it was a blast all around! Not to mention God blessed us with 51 kiddos on Friday! Thank you for serving with us and loving well; we cannot tell you how much we appreciate you! Thanking God for you, all our Bible club kids, the salvation of Ve’Shun, the seeds being planted/watered/grown and the opportunity to witness His grace in such a clear way. What a blessing Week 7 has been! “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” 
~ Ephesians‬ ‭1:3‬ 

- Claire & Kristin


Hey!!! FBC DeSoto did an amazing job this week at Bible club Rosamond and we were so glad to have them serving again in this community. The kids at Rosamond participated in a mission impossible-themed Bible club this week and had a blast! In the crafts station, they got to make binoculars, walkie-talkies, briefcases, and secret agent badges! Each day the kids’ crafts corresponded with the Bible story. They learned how to see God, how to talk to God, how to carry God with them, and what it means to be a Christian. Most importantly they talked about salvation and on Friday, one of the older boys accepted Christ in his heart. Dylan has been asking genuine questions all summer long and it was a blessing to see God touch his heart this week. The kids looked forward to games all week because they got to play steal the bacon, rock, paper, scissors relay, tug-of-war, played with the parachute, and of course sharks and mentos! In songs they played the floor is lava, sharpshooter, who has the penny, freeze dance, and of course some classic Sunday School songs. What a great week it was; we cannot thank FBC DeSoto enough for their intentional hearts, pure joy, and love for the kids at Rosamond! We cannot wait to serve with you all again soon!  
- Jess, Jae, & Jon 


National was so much fun this week! Thank you, Illuminate, for spending the week with us and loving on the kids. The kids learned so much about salvation and Jesus coming back in Bible Story. They asked so many great questions and are eager to learn more. Crafts was also a blast! They decorated clocks, shoes, and crowns to show how they are children of God. At music, the kids danced to Church Clap, the Cupid Shuffle, and the Fruit of the Spirit. Then, they played Triangle Tag, Crows and Cranes, the Cone Game, and Duck-Duck-Goose at games. It has been amazing to see how much the kids are learning and how much fun they are having every week! We met new kids almost every day and had 38 kids come on Friday to hear even more about Jesus. God has been so faithful this summer, and we are very thankful for His presence over at National. We are looking forward to seeing the kids next week and cannot wait to see how God moves in the last few days of the summer. It has been so special to be part of His plan, and we appreciate all of the prayers and love that have been sent our way!
- Fatboi & Morgan


First Presbyterian Lee’s Summit came to bring the fun at Kendrick Bible Club! Fun was definitely had by all this week at Kendrick. For the last week this summer, it was definitely a show stopper! The fun, the noise, the Gospel. Definitely never a dull moment. The acting of the stories, the animation at songs, energy at games, and the arts at crafts what else can be said. Every day was a constant increase in kids and the fun was not only seen but felt and heard. The story of Joseph and his coat of many colors amongst other highlights of Joseph’s life was God-filled not to mention e greatness of His love. The treatment of others and how God sees everyone were just snippets of what the kids learned this week. At crafts, kiddos were filled with options such as cup games, hand-painted hearts, bookmarks, door hangers, and more. Attention was grasped all week and not one boring moment was had this week. Thank you so much Lee’s Summit for loving on the kids so much!
- Beef


This week for the Jackson Bible club was so much fun with The Gathering Place Youth group. During the week, the team taught the kids different parts of Joseph’s story from the Bible. Each day, the kids learned the next big step in Joseph’s life including his coat of many colors, his betrayal by his brothers, his journey and imprisonment in Egypt, his merciful acts towards his brothers, and how he helped save the people from famine. The games and crafts stations both focused on each lesson for that day. Because of this, the kids were getting the important lessons multiple times during the morning. Games station did this by playing with colored streamers and playing other games like “free Joseph from prison.” Crafts also incorporated the Bible stories by making scratch-off coats of many colors and other crafts about the story. We also had a lot of fun making personalized Rubix cubes, crosses, and sunshine Polaroid pictures with the kids’ own pictures on them. GP+Y was very intentional with the conversations with the kids all week long, and the kids were always very intrigued and asked multiple questions because of this. Some families even got to take home their own new kid version of Bibles because of the detailed conversations they were having with the team about salvation and how Jesus loves us unconditionally. Thank you GP+Y for an amazing week! We cannot wait to have you back next summer!
- Abby


What an incredible week we were blessed with at Johnson. We went out to have Bible club, we met lots of kids, and showed them lots of love! Thanks be to God and to his missionaries from the Gathering Place for being unashamed to share Christ with this community and these children. Throughout the week they taught our children about the life of Joseph who throughout persecution and persistent troubles, constantly prayed to and gave glory to God in heaven. Along with these lessons, it was wonderful to see the impact of the relationships being built between missionary and child. Seeing team members and children coloring personalized Rubik's cubes, watching the older boys decorate their leaders as superheroes, and hearing ladies teach each other new dances were among the many daily joys of getting to be at Bible Club this week. One of my favorite moments from the week was at the games station, where children had decorated each other in many, colored clothes like Joseph. The older girls were so excited to show off their new threads, they had a make-shift fashion show! But that is nothing compared to the joy of knowing that a child accepted Christ as Lord and Savior on Friday! Pray for Charmiyah as she begins an eternal relationship with her new Heavenly Father. Thank you for all your prayers this summer, and thank you again for the Gathering Place returning to love on these wonderful children. We are, yes, we are Johnson!
- Kaden and Dr. Dre

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Week 7: First Baptist Church DeSoto, First Presbyterian Church Lee's Summit, Illuminate Student Ministries, Cross Fellowship Church, Gathering Place Church, and Harvest Bible Church

Guernsey A huge shout out to Cross Fellowship from Colorado for coming to Memphis and loving on our G-Street babies all week...