Monday, July 19, 2021

Week 6: Prattville First United Methodist Church, The MET Church, First Baptist Church of Liberty, The Brook, Osseo United Methodist Church, Faircreek Church, and Grace Church of Ovilla


We had so much fun over at Bible club Guernsey with FBC Liberty! All week the kids learned about the truths of Jesus Christ. They learned about how Jesus is our promised Savior, how He is God’s son, how He shows mercy, how He died and rose again to save sinners, and about how Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit. In crafts the kids loved making picture frames, salvation paper chains, coupon books for their parents with coupons for free hugs, globes to remind the kids to spread the gospel, and crosses that say, “Jesus is Alive!”. In songs station, the kids loved singing along to Bible club songs, Father Abraham, KidzBop, Jo Jo Siwa, and the cupid shuffle. They also loved playing extreme duck, duck, goose, and making flowers out of pipe cleaners with the songs team. In games, the kids played tug-of-war, tag, blew bubbles, and played with chalk. Praise the Lord that twenty-four different children were able to come to Bible club this week, and hear about Jesus and receive lunches. We can't wait to see what the last few weeks hold for Bible club Guernsey. 

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” Matthew 19:14

- Mitch & Ailey


P-O-P-E! Pope is where you wanna be! This week, with an average of 32 and a high of 42 kids on Friday, Bible club Pope is where the community wanted to be. Huge thanks to the missionaries from Prattville FUMC for hosting such an exciting and joy-filled club. The proof of their love and intentionality towards building relationships with these children was so evident: not only did 27 of our kids come every single day without missing, but they invited their friends and neighbors, and cousins. Also, every single day a new parent or community member would stop by asking about our program, having either drove by or received an invitation from the team.  While on-site, children made beautiful mosaics, road boats, cracked open Easter eggs, danced amongst the bubbles, and learned about God's truths through simple and relatable skits. One of my personal favorite parts of the week was watching the energetic choreography at songs and hearing the children sing about the many promises of God: that He is preparing a big house for us, that He rescues from storms of life, that He is in control so that we can stand strong in Him. Praise the Lord for every smile, laugh, and hug shared at Bible club this week - it was truly filled with his presence. Pray that He continues to draw children near to him. P-O-P-E! If you want to get to heaven, we know the key!

- Kaden and Dre 


Hey! What a wonderful week 6 it was at Bible Club Rosamond. Rosamond was blessed this week by The Brook church from Madison, AL. It is always a great time when The Brook is in town, they have been serving with us for many years and we hope to continue to see them for many more! The kids at Rosamond learned all about The Way, The Truth, and The Life this week. They talked about the prophecy and birth of Jesus, John the Baptist and Jesus’ baptism, the ten lepers, the death and resurrection of Jesus our Savior, and finally they talked about the Day of Pentecost. Now that we’re pretty far into the summer the kids at Bible club are starting to understand more and more; they are asking genuine questions about their faith and how to be a Christian. It is amazing to see the work God is doing in their hearts even now. In crafts this week, each craft reinforced the Bible story through physical representations of mercy, the Holy Spirit, and the significance of the Cross. The kids made lightsabers, stress balls, mercy cubes, and “stain glass” crosses. The kids at Rosamond had an absolute blast in songs and games playing rounds and rounds or bucket ball, musical hula hoops, four corners, hot potato, and of course what’s Bible club without a game of duck duck goose! This week we had a high of 28 kids and The Brook did an absolutely amazing job loving them and reminding them just how much Jesus loves them too. From the bottom of our hearts thank you so much for serving and loving on this community, see you next year! 

- Jess, Jae, & Jon 


H U G E shoutout to Grace Church of Ovilla for coming all the way from Texas to 
love on our kiddos so well! Thank you for pouring so much Jesus, love, and energy into these kids! With a high of 38 kids on Wednesday, Whitvegas was a blast every day with super involved activities to do. Songs station was always super high energy with musical hula hoops, the Fruit of the Spirit song, and the Hallelujah song. Of course, we couldn’t go a whole week without playing hot potato there as well! For crafts, we made wreaths, salvation chains, crosses, globes, and coupon books. During Bible story, the team taught about the truths of Jesus and had many intentional conversations with kids about who Jesus is and how to accept Him into your heart. They were always super engaged with the kids, getting them to listen and answer questions really well. Games station was also fun like always. They brought an elevated four square game that the kids absolutely loved! They also played duck duck goose, Mr. Bear, and two hand tough football — the classic games that kids will never get tired of! Once again, thank you Grace Church for sacrificing a week of your summer to hang out with our Whitvegas babies and continue to pour God’s truth into their lives!

- Claire & Kristin

Que Que

Week 6 at Que Que was a party for the King! We are forever grateful for our friends from Faircreek Church of Dayton, Ohio. Thank you for giving up a week of your summer to serve the Memphis community. The kids at Que Que had a blast at Bible Club this week! They learned about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in Bible Story and made crafts to represent what they learned about. The gospel was told and reinforced throughout the week at Bible story. The kids learned why we need Jesus and His love. At the crafts station, they assembled and decorated tombs and salvation bracelets, to represent Christ’s death and resurrection. The kids had so much fun at the games station playing freeze tag, the cone game, and sharks and minnows. The boys at Que Que also loved having relay races! In the songs station, the kids learned the  Father Abraham song, Our God Is So Big, and Hey Burrito. It was such a fun and meaningful week for both the Que Que kids and the team from Faircreek Church. We’re so blessed to have had this team join us in serving the kids and community of Memphis this week!

- Tucker and Doctor


This week at National was one to remember! The kids had so much fun with The MET Church from Texas. The MET Church did such a great job preparing the stations, walking the routes, and getting to know the kids! Their light for Jesus really shows. Thank you so much for coming all the way to Memphis to love on and serve the kids. The kids enjoyed coming every day to sing some songs, play games, make crafts, and most of all learn about Jesus! Some of the songs they sang were “With Jesus in the Boat” and “The Fruits of the Spirit”. At crafts, they made bracelets, colored, and put together a fruit of the spirit wheel. During games, the kids learned a new game called Toilet Tag, which they had so much fun playing. Most importantly, they learned about how Jesus heals and can change our lives because of how much He loves us. This week was also amazing because we got to meet so many new kids, and on Wednesday, we had 40 kids come! God is doing awesome things at National! We are so excited to go into week seven of Bible Club because we know God is going to be right there. Thank you to everyone praying over us and serving with us!

- Fatboi and Coco 


K-E-N and a D and a RICK! Kendrick! The Osseo UMC team came all the way from Minnesota to come and serve with Street Reach for week 6 of Bible clubs. I am very thankful for the team’s effort and love shown to the kids all week long during
Bible club. We started off the week by going around the community surrounding Bible club Kendrick to various kids’ houses. While we were at the different houses, the team got to meet some of the kids and pass out lunches to them for the day. The team even got to hand out some crafts to each of the kids and describe how to complete them with their own families. This was a really neat way to start off the week by getting to know the kids’ families. After talking and sharing with the families, the team was able to pray with them and share God’s love. We experienced a lot of excitement for Bible club this week from both the kids and their families. The Bible stories throughout the week focused on Jesus’ own life and missions here on the Earth. Crafts station relayed the stories with cute crafts that reflected Jesus’ life. Songs station learned even more stories from the Bible by teaching the kids various dance moves to well-known children gospel songs. All of the kids enjoyed games with many relays using bananas, oranges, sponges, and more. Thank you Osseo UMC for helping out at Kendrick this week! 


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Week 7: First Baptist Church DeSoto, First Presbyterian Church Lee's Summit, Illuminate Student Ministries, Cross Fellowship Church, Gathering Place Church, and Harvest Bible Church

Guernsey A huge shout out to Cross Fellowship from Colorado for coming to Memphis and loving on our G-Street babies all week...