Saturday, July 3, 2021


 WEEK 3: Christ Church, Meadow Brook Baptist Church, First Baptist Church Fisherville, Connection Church, Bridgeway Church, Arrowwood Baptist Church, Christ Harbor Church, Calvary Baptist Church, and Faith Community Church. 


The boys of Meadow Brook Baptist came to partay! Everyday at Kendrick Bible club was filled with fun and excitement. Each day was a new day and spin on all the kids favorite things. From chanting the Gospel Cheer to singing Squirmy the Worm, no amount of boredom was had. Each child was intentionally taught the Gospel through the help of an evangicube. There wasn’t a kid who didn’t want to share about what they learned about Jesus and what he did for us at all this week. Crafts were filled with stuffed hearts, stain-glassed frames, David and Goliath scenes, friendship books, and tambourines that were made to make a joyful noise! Let’s not forget about the Bible Story where the kids learned all about David and his life. From David as a boy, a friend, and a King the kids at Kendrick Bible Club were saturated in love and learned all about God’s love. All the kids had amazing questions and learned so much about the Gospel and how much Jesus loves them. Thank you Meadow Brook Baptist for loving the kids at Kendrick Bible Club so well!

- Beef


Arrowwood Baptist absolutely knocked Jackson out of the water this week at Bible club! The kids learned even more fun Bible club songs and mini-games during songs station this week, but we cannot forget the epic dance parties either. Games station was always a blast with many different types of games and activities for the kids to enjoy and learn. Bible story and crafts both carried the themes of God working in David’s life and how Jesus is the way to our salvation. Every kid gave several reasons to be thankful to the Lord, bless the Lord, and praise the Lord. Each of the Bible stories was ended with countless questions from the kids about God and His wonders and some cool treats. Each day was emphasized by the cutest crafts depicting the different stories of David and how great our Savior is and how much He loves us as His children. The kids were able to make and decorate their own sheep pastures, foam slingshots, and scratch-off colorful cross hangers. On Friday, the kids even got to make their own tambourines with bells and decorations to represent making a joyful noise unto the Lord. I cannot wait for Arrowwood to come back next year for another amazing week! 



We had a fantastic week hanging out with Christ Harbor at G-Street! This week the theme was Mega Sports Camp and each day the kids learned different ways to conquer the day. They learned they can conquer the day when they practice with purpose, listen to their leaders, remember to recharge, compete with courage, and to skip the short cuts. The memory verse of the week was Romans 8:37. “We are more than conquerors through him who loved us”. Each day started out with a hype rally where they introduced their mascot, Mega! The kids loved getting to meet Mega and playing with him in the stations every day! Mega even taught the kids his special handshake that they did all week! In Bible story the kids learned about David and how he improved his skills, was chosen by God, wrote to recharge, conquered Goliath, and honored God. In crafts the kids painted washers and made necklaces, made refrigerator magnets, and door hangers! In songs the kids had so much fun dancing to the memory verse song, “Who is the King of the Jungle?”, the cupid shuffle, and the cha cha slide. Over at games station the kids had a blast playing nine square, parachute, tag, and ladder ball! Thank you so much Christ Harbor for bringing the fun this week! We can’t wait to see what the rest of the summer holds at Bible Club Guernsey!  

-Mitch & Ailey


“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” - 1 Corinthians 13:4

Thank you Calvary Baptist Church for showing our kids at Johnson what true love looks like! This week we learned a lot about God through the life of King David! We learned to be strong and trust God to help us face our fears, from his encounter with Goliath. We also discovered what true friendship looks like, as well as what it means for Jesus to be our shepherd! The kids made some awesome crowns to remind them of king David and his journeys. They also made some really cool Goliath cups that they played with for all of Bible Club! We played a lot of sharks and minnows and even learned a new Pac-Man game! Songs was “bussin’” this week!!! We learned some super fun hand motions and had some AWESOME dance partays! Please keep our older girls in your prayers as we were able to have some intentional gospel conversations with them and answer their questions about heaven and what it truly means to be a christian. One of our older girls got her first Bible on Friday and could really use everyone’s thoughts and prayers! Thank you again Calvary Baptist Church for coming and loving on our kids this week! Also, Happy Birthday Kim!!! I pray that God blesses this year of your life! 

  • Dr Dre and Kaden 


Bible Club at National this week was a blast! We are so thankful that Connection Church came all the way from Orlando, Florida to serve the kids. Not only did the kids have loads of fun – the gospel was presented to them daily and they were shown the love of Christ in all the stations. The kids learned about the life of David in Bible story and were reminded of the truth that God looks at the heart instead of our outward appearance. In games station, everyone shared smiles while playing kickball, competing in relay races, and playing sharks and minnows. The National kids learned catchy new songs about Jesus and the friendship we have in him. In our crafts station, kids made maracas, heart-shaped pillows, and signed each other’s yearbooks so that they can always remember their bible club friends and new friends from Connection Church! We were truly so blessed that this group came in town and served the community and the National kids with their whole hearts. They displayed the love of Jesus in so many ways this week. God is on the move over at National and we’re extremely excited to see how He continues to move in the coming weeks.

-Kelsey and Tucker


Week 3 was amazing here at Bible Club Pope. Faith Community from Wisconsin made their first trip to Street Reach and they even brought some of their cooler Wisconsin weather with them because the weather all week long was perfect! From the minute the team arrived at site, they started pouring their love and attention onto the kids. From free play with bubbles and balloons to duck duck goose and football over at games, there was something for everyone. The kids not only got to hear some classics over at song station, but they also got to learn some new Bible songs with some fun motions. At Bible story, every kid was engaged and asking questions about Jesus as well as the story for that day. And then the kids got to rotate over to crafts station where they not only got to make their craft, but also got to see some science projects that left them wide eyed in amazement. They got to see home made film roll bottle rockets, a mini volcano, and also got to see the magic of a needle going through a balloon without it popping. 

Thank you so much Faith Community for your willingness to be the hands and feet of Jesus this week here in Memphis. 

- Kameron


Hey! Ho! FBC Fisherville did an amazing job serving the kids at Bible club Rosamond this week! We hit a summer record this week of 29 kids and the team did an amazing job ministering to them. All week long the kids learned about David from being a small boy, defeating Goliath, becoming King, and his overall journey with God. The kids had a blast making tambourines and mosaic crosses at crafts. All the kids were marching around club banging on their tambourines making joyful noise. Songs did an amazing job! Our kids loved getting to see, hear, and play with a ukulele while learning some old school Sunday school songs. The kids at Rosamond were so excited to come to Bible club one of the drop offs this week got up at 7:30 that morning to get dressed for Bible Club and he had already made his own name tag for the day. It was an honor to serve alongside FBC Fisherville this week, thank you so much for serving this community so well! 

  • Jess, Jae, and Jon


Week 3 at Whitvegas was the place to be!! Thank you to Bridgeway Church all the way from Texas for coming to serve with us this week. We truly appreciate the sacrifices of time & energy you made this week. A couple highlights from this week include autograph books & binoculars made in crafts, using a bow & arrow to help learn the memory verses in Bible story and playing tic tac toe with hula hoops & bandanas in games and songs. Extra special shout-out to Bible story station for the costumes, interactive games, skits, individual dry-erase boards, song/rap activity & popsicles that made every age group so engaged with the story each day. The kids were soaking it up!! 

“Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”

John 12:26 

Thank you Bridgeway for choosing to follow Him & be used by Him in taking back this community for Christ. We couldn’t have done it without you!

  • Claire & Kristin


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Week 7: First Baptist Church DeSoto, First Presbyterian Church Lee's Summit, Illuminate Student Ministries, Cross Fellowship Church, Gathering Place Church, and Harvest Bible Church

Guernsey A huge shout out to Cross Fellowship from Colorado for coming to Memphis and loving on our G-Street babies all week...