Sunday, June 20, 2021

WEEK 2: Living Springs Community Church, FBC Huntington, Stonebridge Church, FBC Durant, Colonial Heights Baptist Church, Forrest Hills Baptist Church, Broadriver Association, Calvary Baptist Church, and Central Baptist Church

That’s Kendrick! What? Kendrick! It was an incredible first week of Bible club at Kendrick! A huge thank you to Living Springs for all the love and fun you poured into the Kendrick community! Thanks for working so hard to make sure the kids felt a lot of love and even more of Jesus! We were able to minister to 30 different kids this week and ended the week with a high of 22 kids on Friday! This week we were able to see some familiar faces from previous years and got to know some new families too! Every day the kids were waiting at the site eager to meet Living Springs for another fun day of club! This week the kids learned all about making the right choices by hearing stories about Joshua and Jesus. As the kids went to each station, they were reminded of these stories. At song stations, the kids sang about God’s promises, and over at crafts, the kids were able to carve soap, make key chains, truth belts, and salvation bracelets so they could have a reminder of how big God truly is and how much He loves us! Though it was a hot week at Kendrick, the kids stayed cool by playing drip-drip-drop! What an incredible way to kick off the summer! Thank you again to Living Spring for loving the Kendrick kids so well! I am so excited to see how God will continue to work this summer over at Kendrick!
- Beef

The first week of Jackson was absolutely amazing! The FBC Huntington team went above and beyond every day to share the gospel with the kids at Bible club. The team picked up new kids each day of Bible club too! The kids were memorizing every amazing story of God, Jesus, and other ordinary people that were used to show God’s glory. We also had multiple dance parties that every kid was a part of and let loose with some crazy moves. We even had some live music and were able to teach even more new dances for the kids to enjoy. The craft station knocked it out of the park with the cutest and most meaningful crafts that the kids could not wait to take home and show off to their families. Each had its own special meaning that pertained to Jesus’ story. Parachutes, relays, races, tag...what couldn't the games station do? Each kid always had a blast with a big variety of game ideas. Thank you FBC Huntington for coming to Jackson and loving the kids so very well! 
- Abby 

"Praise the LORD, oh my soul; all my inmost being. Praise his Holy name. Praise the LORD, oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits" - Psalm 103: 1-2
God is good and shows it daily at Bible Club Guernsey. This week at club has been one packed with joy and reason to worship. The children got to learn about how God created the Heavens and the Earth and yet has an overwhelming love for each of them. They also learned the importance of a relationship with God and how sin keeps us from doing that - that sin is what is wrong with God's good creation. They also got to sing and dance to theologically founded songs like "Father Abraham" and "the Fruit of the Spirit." One of my favorite moments from this week, actually, was watching 7-year-old Kenya who had learned a dance to "the Fruit of the Spirit" song, actually teach it to our team missionaries! This means that the words of these songs are authentically taking root in her life. God is SO good! Huge thanks to our mission team from Colonial Heights for making this whole week such a blast for the kids and for God's Glory. And an extra shout out to them for bringing LIVE music to the song station, guitar and cajón included! All in all, the LORD is doing mighty things and I cannot wait to see what He does next week. Keep praying for Bible Club Guernsey, and I'll talk to you next week. :) 
- Mitch & Ailey

"We’re goin to Johnson to have a Bible Club!" Gonna meet some kids show ‘em lots of love!  A huge thank you to Calvary Baptist Church for the incredible first week back at Bible Club Johnson since 2019! They were able to share the gospel with over 30 kids throughout the week! We got to see several new faces and some we only saw a few times in 2019. Our older girls had lots of interesting questions about the Bible and salvation, and the amazing missionaries from Calvary Baptist were able to answer their questions with clarity and enthusiasm. On Tuesday, they painted rocks to show that Jesus is our rock and foundation. All the kids wore their adorable new cross necklaces from Wednesday to Club on Thursday and Friday. Tug of war is now a favorite game for our older boys, and the littles had a blast playing hide-n-seek behind the big tree at games. Please keep Bible Club Johnson in your prayers as we welcome new missionaries next week to serve and disciple the children. Lots of sun and even more fun is how I would describe this week! Again, thank you so much Calvary for serving this week and for loving on our kids at Johnson! WE ARE! WE ARE! JOHNSON!!!
- Dr. Dre

It was an amazing week at National! Thank you, Forrest Hills, for loving our Bible Club kids so well and giving them your all. Forrest Hills did a great job bringing the energy this week and preparing fun, creative activities each day. When I asked the kids what their favorite station was, they said ALL OF THEM! That did not surprise me because Bible Club had everything from parachutes to frisbees to fishing nets. It was so fun to see familiar faces, but we got to see many new faces as well. The best part was when the kids would come back the next day, they would bring even more friends with them. On Thursday, we had the weekly high of 30 kids with us and had a blast with every single one of them. I loved seeing the team continue to be intentional with every kid even as our numbers grew. On that note, most of our kids are out of school now, so we are excited to see this number rise every week. This was a great way to spend week two at National, and I cannot wait to see what week three has in store. Summer here we come!
- Kelsey & Tucker

P. O. P. E. That is where we wanna be!
It was a great week to be at Pope Bible. Central Baptist answered God’s calling to come and minister to the kids and community. We had a high of 33 kids on Thursday come out and learn about doing good deeds at Bible story. They also got to learn about what WWJD meant on their bracelets at crafts as well as showed off their coloring skills. At songs, they learned some classic Bible club songs like Boom Chicka Boom and danced to some modern favorites like Old Town Road. And every kid was worn out from having so much fun at games. Thankfully we will still have Pope up and running next week. So continue to pray for the missionaries coming in as well as the kids. Thank you Central Baptist for a fun week at Pope!
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth”. 3 John 1:4!
- Kameron

Hey! Ho! Rosamond had a fantastic week at Bible club! I want to give StoneBridge and the Broadriver Association a huge shout-out for joining together to love on this community so well. Both teams have worked at Rosamond separately in previous years and it was such a phenomenal experience to watch them, fellowship, together and minister to the community. The kids had a blast learning the importance that our actions have on our relationship with God. They remind them that God doesn’t step away from us, but that we step away from him. My favorite thing to hear when passing Bible Story was all the kids yelling “Satan Stinks!” over and over again. The kids made door hangers, frisbees, and megaphones in crafts to remind them of their stories about God’s Glory and how we can harness it in our everyday life. Every day the kids were so excited to go to the games station where they played Connect 4, competed in relay races, and played a fun game of water tag where the kids also got to tag some of the leaders. We ended this amazing week with 20 kids who all received ‘Jesus Loves Me’ T-shirts and backpacks full of donations from the church. As site missionaries at Rosamond, we want to say thank you for loving the kids so well!
- Jess, Jae, & John 

Week 2 at Whittier was a blast!! So many kiddos were shown the love of Christ through energy, fun, and lots of sweat - the heat couldn’t keep Whitvegas babies from Bible club!! Huge thank you to Colonial Heights Baptist Church for serving alongside us this week. Thank you for loving the kids well, planning fun stations for them, and serving this community well. With a high of 58 kids on Tuesday & four exciting stations, Whittier was full of both kids and fun. From watercolor painting & bracelets in crafts to live music and new tunes at songs, the kids were giddy over another week of Bible club. Please join us in praying for the rest of the summer at Whittier. Specifically, some older boys have been asking deeper questions about faith, so please pray for those seeds to continue to be watered, for wisdom as we share with them, and understanding for the kids that have been asking. God is moving over at Whitvegas and we can’t wait to see what He has in store for week 3 there.
- Claire & Kristin

Sunday, June 13, 2021

WEEK 1: Mt. Auburn UMC, Stone Ridge Baptist Church, Bridge Christian Church, Fellowship of Montgomery, Loudon County Association, Pleasant View Church, and South Community Church

We’re hangin’ out on G-Street, ‘cause that's where all the cool kids meet!! Bridge Christian came to par-tay at G-Street this week! All of the rain and mud couldn’t keep these wonderful folks from bringing the fun and love!!  From the Good Samaritan to Jehoshaphat the kids at Guernsey learned all about God’s Love at Bible story. Songs station reminded the kids of how you can’t be a coconut if you want to be a Fruit of the Spirit. Crafts were filled with reminders about God’s goodness for us and how he loves us. The kids loved making their very own prayer books and key chains!!! Games station was always having fun playing different games like sharks and minnows and doctors and germs! Each station was able to tie their activities perfectly to the theme of the Bible story each day to reinforce the important lessons they were learning. Every single team member was engaged and full of energy, and the kids absolutely loved every second of it! This week we had a high of 36 kids that came to the club to learn about God’s love and Bridge Christian gave everything they had to make sure the kids knew it! We are sending a huge thank you to the Bridge for giving our Guernsey kiddos such an amazing week! We could not have asked for a better week to start us off! We hope to see you guys back next summer! 
-Mitch & Beef

Good morning! Street Reach is back in full swing and Bible Clubs are happening! What an exciting time to be a missionary. Club National started off with a bang this week having 28 children learn about Jesus on DAY 1 and hitting our high of 35 on Thursday. Huge thanks to Stone Ridge Baptist Church, the fantastic missionaries who canvased these streets even in rain. They played baseball, made rainbow bats, and even taught our children new songs about following Jesus wherever he leads. One of my personal favorite moments happened on Thursday. Drew who has come to bible club for a few years now mentioned that he would like to become a Christian! One of the missionaries from Stone Ridge talked to Drew and asked him about sin and repentance and salvation, and Drew understood each of those concepts. Praise the Lord! But when we asked him what he thought it meant to "becoming a Christian" he was unsure. I got to speak with Drew about how "being a Christian" is NOT about following rules or going to church, but rather about having a relationship with Jesus. It is so obvious that God is working in Drew's life. Unfortunately, Drew decided that he was not quite ready to take that next step, not yet. Please pray for him, that God would call with His spirit too loudly to ignore. Pray that Drew would begin a new life with Christ that lasts for eternity.  Pray for Bible Club National, that opportunities to bear witness to God's truth would abound all summer long. And in case I don't see you: good afternoon, good evening, and good night.  
-Kaden @ National

Hey! Hey! Ho! Ho! Rosamond’s Got Soul! What a great way to open up Summer 2021 at Rosamond, with Pleasant View Church! Pleasant View opened up site Rosamond for a great summer and our kids were so excited to be back out there. They shared the gospel of Jesus Christ this week with 33 kids, that is AMAZING! Each day they prayed for more kids at Bible Club and each day God answered their prayer and it was absolutely amazing to watch them walk down Rosamond Ave with more and more kids. The kids at Rosamond had a great week learning about All God’s Children and how to be the fruit of the spirit. They learned about Jesus’ resurrection, how prayer can bring peace to those in need, what it means to be kind, and how to give back to others. The kids made savior scopes to help them stay focused on God and his word, they made kindness planters to give to a friend or family member, and they decorated goodie bags filled with candy to give to a friend they love. This amazing team showed Christ’s love to the kids at Rosamond while helping them share Christ’s love with others. Thank you Pleasant View Church for all your hard work and dedication this week!
- Jess & Dre

Wow. We cannot even begin to express our gratitude for such an amazing week 1 at Whitvegas - full of sweet reunions, memories, relationships, and FUN. SO many Bible club kiddos (57 on Thursday to be exact) were prayed for, told about Jesus, given all the love & attention they deserve, and given enough candy to last them for the next month. A few highlights from this week include making slime in crafts, dancing/singing to “Let It Go” in songs, going through an obstacle course in games, and watching the real-life wall of Jericho tumble in Bible story. I can’t even explain how much fun was had this week at Whittier. And the biggest highlight of all from this week is the fact that multiple Whitvegas kiddos accepted Christ - what could be better? We are truly praising God for using South Community Church to bring so many blessings to Nutbush this week - from singing silly songs to leading children to Jesus, and everything in between - not a moment was wasted. Thank You, Lord, for keeping the predicted rain away so we could be out there with Your children every day. Thank You for the many blessings of this week including every child, every family, and South Community Church. It truly was the best week 1 we could’ve asked for - see you next year South Community!! 
 -Claire & Kristin

Summer is here! Which means Bible Club is here! Here at Pope, we had an awesome first week of club. Other than a bit of rain on Tuesday, the weather was perfect. We saw a club high of 30 kids on Thursday. Louden and Mount Auburn came out and, from beginning to end, poured their love on the kids. Games consisted of lots of fun relays, it was a full-on dance party at songs, the kids made bracelets and other fun crafts, and every kid got to hear about God and his amazing love for them at Bible stories. And on Friday, the teams went out on routes and talked with, played with, and prayed for the kids and their families as well as other community members. 
Thank you, Louden and Mount Auburn for a great week at Bible Club and we hope to see y’all next year! 
-Kameron & Abby

Week 7: First Baptist Church DeSoto, First Presbyterian Church Lee's Summit, Illuminate Student Ministries, Cross Fellowship Church, Gathering Place Church, and Harvest Bible Church

Guernsey A huge shout out to Cross Fellowship from Colorado for coming to Memphis and loving on our G-Street babies all week...